The Physician’s Experience
Dr. Carrasco is fellowship trained in the area of pain management and has over 15 years of experience treating injured employees from across Texas. He understands the workers’ comp. process from both the employer’s and the employee’s standpoint.
Your employee will receive the highest quality of care in a concise and efficient manner.
You will receive a report including the plan of care and employment status of the injured employee within 24 hours of each visit. You will have access to our Clinical Nurse Specialist who has also over 15 years of experience working with all types of workers’ comp. patients. Our Administrator is also available to discuss any administrative concerns.
Employee is Maintained at Work
Unlike some providers who immediately take the employee off of work, often for 30-60 days without question, you are assured that we intend the keep the employee at work if at all possible. In almost every case, the employee can be maintained at work with or without limitations. We make every effort to provide limitations that are safe for the employee and the employer. We are available to discuss any immediate changes that may be required to the employment limitations.
High Quality Medical Care at a Fair Price
Being that the majority of employee’s care is provided in our facility, we are able to control the utilization of appropriate medical services for each injured employee. Our 16,000 sq ft Institute includes clinical offices, a procedural/surgical suite, infusion center, rehabilitation facility, and clinical laboratory. Because of this, we are able to monitor the effectiveness of each and every service that the injured employee receives. The employer will be informed of the need for other specialized diagnostic or therapeutic testing and treatments prior to services rendered.